about the game

Detour aims to empower young individuals to lead healthier, happier lives

Players experience social support and guidance while playing with other peers attempting to quit smoking.

Aided by expert tips, motivational messaging, just-in-time interventions, and custom goal setting - Detour utilizes cutting-edge psychology research to distract from smoking urges.

The Detour Intervention


Detour is a smart distraction tool that encourages users to play with super bonuses and rewards customized to the user's smoking pattern.

Social Support

Around the game lives a social shell on Instagram and TikTok filled with screened users trying to quit smoking and psychologists that offer moral support through tips, life hacks, sories, and challenges.

Future Self Thinking

Create a personalized tracker for a goal you have that would help motivate you to quit smoking

Related Publications

  • Mechanisms of Change in a Go/No-Go Training Game for Young Adult Smokers

    Scholten, H., Luijten, M., Poppelaars, A., Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & Granic, I. (2021). Health Psychology, 40(12), 998-1008. https://doi.org/10.1037/hea0001068

    Author: Hanneke Scholten

    Upload date: 07-01-2021

  • A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of a Peer-Based Social Mobile Game Intervention to Reduce Smoking in Youth

    Scholten, H., Luijten, M., & Granic, I. (2019). Development and Psychopathology, 31, 1923-1943. doi: 10.1017/S0954579419001378

    Author: Hanneke Scholten

    Upload date: 06-17-2020

  • Behavioral Trainings and Manipulations to Reduce Delay Discounting: A Systematic Review.

    Scholten, H., Scheres, A., De Water, E., Graf, U., Granic, I., & Luijten, M. (2019). Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26, 1803-1849. doi: 10.3758/s13423-019-01629-2

    Author: Hanneke Scholten

    Upload date: 07-03-2019

  • Do Smokers Devaluate Smoking Cues after Go/NoGo Training?

    Scholten, H., Granic, I., Chen, Z., Veling, H., & Luijten, M. (2019). Psychology & Health, 34(5), 609-625. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2018.1554184

    Author: Hanneke Scholten

    Upload date: 01-29-2019

  • The Benefits of Playing Video Games

    Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R. C. (2014). American Psychologist, 69, 66-78.

    Author: Isabela Granic

    Upload date: 01-17-2014

Related updates

made by


James Comstock - Game and Technical Development

Ruben Lewis - Music Composition & Sound Design

Lillian Souwer - Environment Art and Design

Special Thanks to:

all of our wonderful Research Assistants & Youth Advisors!!!