about the game


Rejection Sensitivity has been defined as “the disposition to anxiously expect, readily perceive, and overreact to rejection”. It can lead individuals to spiral into a vicious cycle of aggressive or withdrawn behaviors, ultimately leading to the emergence of serious mental health problems like depression.

The unique design challenge of ScrollQuest 2.0 was to create a more engaging and distinctive rejection experience than the widely-used, standardized task to assess rejection and isolation: Cyberball.

Pre/post game interviews, in game analytics and proctored observations provide the research institute with measures of behavioural and emotional responses to the rejection episodes, responses that are not assessed in Cyberball.


ScrollQuest 2.0 is a 3D top down action-adventure that exposes the participant of the study to thoughtfully curated moments of rejection, followed by opportunities for the participant to reappraise those rejection moments and their behavior.

  • [SQ2]'s sci-fi aesthetic was sleek and cool. It's 3rd person iso-metric point and click gameplay felt responsive and intuitive. Anytime I was voted as the lowest contributing player I felt a sense of rejection and fear of missing out.

    Andrew Hair - AKQA

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  • A game-based assessment of the effects of rejection on young adults.

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  • Developing and Testing ScrollQuest: A Video Game Targeting Rejection Sensitivity in Adolescents

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  • Current Opportunities in Research and Development of Games for Mental Health

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Special Thanks to:

Andy Moon, audio design and human musical instrument!

Kevin de Greeff, main character model & rig. Thanks for your assistance!

Cihan (Dji) Colakoglu, Congrats on the new shop.