Built to reflect you and the outcomes you consider important to empower personalized & collaborative care
More than half of youth do not feel heard in treatment decisions and despite treatments being multifaceted, time-consuming and expensive, these youngsters do not feel like their individual needs are addressed or tailored for their unique contexts. iamYu strives to accommodate to the needs of clients to feel respected and empowered, and to be more involved in their treatment decisions, planning and application. We also aim to enable clinicians working with diverse clients, in different care settings, and with different treatment modalities, to more effectively and efficiently target, time and adapt their current intervention efforts to the personal and changing needs of individual clients. Ultimately our goal is to transform the existing unilateral, expert-led decision-making process into a collaborative effort in which an individual client’s unique circumstances and needs are central.
Technology-enabled personalized & collaborative care
iamYu is a personalized process monitoring tool that is currently being built in close collaboration with youth representatives (JongerenNetwerk & Zorgbelang Inclusief), health professionals (Pluryn), ehealth developers (Seedmobi) and complexity scientists (RU), founded by a ZonMw investment grant. iamYu supports 1) flexible co-creation of personalized assessments, 2) process monitoring on mobile devices, 3) instantaneous feedback and shared insight through visualizations and personal analyses of the collected data. iamYu will not be a stand-alone app but will always be embedded within the therapeutic context, collaboratively used by clients and their caretakers.
Medical Inspiration award
iamYu is now being nominated for the Medical Inspiration award of ZonMw, a prestigious award given to the most inspirational collaboration between clients and scientists. With the Medical Inspirator award, the project team aims to strengthen youth collaboration and co-creation to ultimately increase the user experience of iamYu, making sure that it fits the needs of young people currently in care. Three nominated projects are now competing against each other and through voting the general public decides who wins the first prize. So vote NOW for iamYu: www.zonmw.nl/stemnu