Lieke Wijnhovenoffline

Short bio

Clinical therapist and external PhD-student at GGZ Oost Brabant and the Radboud University.

Top-3 games
  1. Mindlight
  2. Journey
  3. The Sims
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About me

My name is Lieke Wijnhoven and I was born in Venlo (The Netherlands). I did my bachelor in Pedagogical Sciences at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. After my bachelor, I did the Research Master Behavioral Science in Nijmegen, specializing in developmental psychopathology and investigating the effect of the depression prevention program ‘Op Volle Kracht’ among Dutch adolescent girls with elevated depressive symptoms. After this master, I did the clinical master Pedagogical Sciences in Nijmegen. I did my clinical internship at GGZ Oost Brabant, where I started to work as a therapist after finishing my master. Moreover, I started as an external PhD at GGZ Oost Brabant and the Radboud University. In my PhD, I study the effect of the innovative serious game Mindlight on children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and comorbid anxiety symptoms who are in the age of 8-16 years old and receive treatment at GGZ Oost Brabant. My aim is to continue combining the clinical work as a therapist with the scientific work of conducting clinically relevant research. In my spare time, I like going to concerts and festivals.

Projects I’ve worked on

  • Category
    Anxiety | Depression

    The Effect of the Game "MindLight" on Anxiety Symptoms of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

    About the project

    Because anxiety is an important cause of impairment for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it is necessary that effective anxiety interventions are implemented for these children. Recently, a serious game called "MindLight" has been developed that is focused on decreasing anxiety in children. It is expected that MindLight is an effective anxiety treatment for children with an autism spectrum disorder.

    view this project

no future events are set.

My publications

  • The additive effect of CBT elements on the video game ‘MindLight’ in decreasing anxiety symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorder.

    Wijnhoven, L. A., Engels, R. C., Onghena, P., Otten, R., & Creemers, D. H. (2022). The additive effect of CBT elements on the video game ‘MindLight’ in decreasing anxiety symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52, 150-168.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 03-03-2021

  • Improving treatment of anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder in clinical practice: The importance, effect and implementation of the video game Mindlight [Doctoral Dissertation]

    L.A.M.W. Wijnhoven (2020). Improving treatment of anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder in clinical practice: The importance, effect and implementation of the video game Mindlight. Doctoral Thesis. Radboud University.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 10-30-2020

  • Effects of the video game ‘MindLight’ on anxiety of children with an autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial

    Wijnhoven, L. A., Creemers, D. H., Vermulst, A. A., Lindauer, R. J., Otten, R., Engels, R. C., & Granic, I. (2020). Effects of the video game ‘MindLight’ on anxiety of children with an autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 68, 101548.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 09-01-2020

  • Prevalence of comorbid depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in children with autism spectrum disorder and elevated anxiety symptoms.

    Wijnhoven, L. A., Niels-Kessels, H., Creemers, D. H., Vermulst, A. A., Otten, R., & Engels, R. C. (2019). Prevalence of comorbid depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in children with autism spectrum disorder and elevated anxiety symptoms. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 31(1), 77-84.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 05-20-2019

  • Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anxiety in a Clinical Dutch Sample of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Wijnhoven, L. A., Creemers, D. H., Vermulst, A. A., & Granic, I. (2018). Prevalence and risk factors of anxiety in a clinical Dutch sample of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 50.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 03-02-2018

  • The Effect of the Video Game MindLight on Anxiety Symptoms in Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Wijnhoven, L. A. M. W., Creemers, D. H. M., Engels, R. C. M. E., Granic, I. (2015). BMC Psychiatry, 15:138.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 07-01-2015

  • Meisjes in zorg: Depressie en suïcide.

    Creemers, D. H. M., Wijnhoven, L. A. M. W., Stikkelbroek, Y. A. J., & Buitelaar, J. K. (2015). Depressie en suïcide. In K. Nijhof & R. C. M. E. Engels (Eds.), Meisjes in zorg: Signalering, preventie en behandeling (pp. 241-272). Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SWP.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 05-01-2015

  • Randomized Controlled Trial Testing the Effectiveness of a Depression Prevention Program (‘Op Volle Kracht’) Among Adolescent Girls with Elevated Depressive Symptoms

    Wijnhoven, L. A. M. W., Creemers, D. H. M., Vermulst, A. A., Scholte, R. H. J., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2013). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1-12.

    Author: Lieke Wijnhoven

    Upload date: 07-27-2013

Worked together with

Isabela Granic
Director of GEMH Lab

Professor and Chair of the Developmental Psychopathology department in the Behavioural Science Institute; writer; voracious podcast consumer; mother of two upstanding little gamers


Professor at McMaster's University & Co-founder of PlayNice Interactive

Rutger Engels


CEO at Trimbos Institute / Professor Developmental Psychopathology Utrecht University

Daan Creemers


Research Coordinator


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