I both perform research and teach in the area of developmental psychopathology. My main expertise involves neurocognitive aspects of substance use.
I recently received a Veni grant from NWO to investigate neurobiological processes underlying the development of nicotine dependence in at risk adolescents.
Smoking is one of the leading public health problems in the world. In the Netherlands today, still 1 in 4 youth between the ages of 16 and 25 smoke. Even more worrisome is that there are almost no evidence-based interventions available to help them quit smoking. That’s why we, in collaboration with scientists, game designers and smoking youth, developed and tested a game to help youth quit smoking. HitnRun is a mobile game in which you can train your impulse control, and in which you collaborate in teams, support each other’s quit attempts, and compete against other teams.
Welcome to Detour, the innovative mobile game designed to help youths quit smoking by offering guidance, social support, and goal setting. Developed by a team of researchers, game developers, and youths, Detour utilizes cutting-edge psychology research to distract from smoking urges, build healthier habits, and focus on a smoke-free future. With daily reminders, just-in-time interventions, and a habit tracker feature for motivation, Detour empowers young individuals to lead healthier, happier lives. Join the community today and take the first step toward a smoke-free future!
Scholten, H., Luijten, M., Poppelaars, A., Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & Granic, I. (2021). Health Psychology, 40(12), 998-1008. https://doi.org/10.1037/hea0001068
Author: Hanneke Scholten
Upload date: 07-01-2021
Scholten, H., Luijten, M., & Granic, I. (2019). Development and Psychopathology, 31, 1923-1943. doi: 10.1017/S0954579419001378
Author: Hanneke Scholten
Upload date: 06-17-2020
Scholten, H., Scheres, A., De Water, E., Graf, U., Granic, I., & Luijten, M. (2019). Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26, 1803-1849. doi: 10.3758/s13423-019-01629-2
Author: Hanneke Scholten
Upload date: 07-03-2019
Scholten, H., Granic, I., Chen, Z., Veling, H., & Luijten, M. (2019). Psychology & Health, 34(5), 609-625. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2018.1554184
Author: Hanneke Scholten
Upload date: 01-29-2019
Poppelaars, A., Scholten, H., Granic, I., Veling, H., Johnson-Glenberg, M. C., & Luijten, M. (2018). Appetite, 129, 143-154. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.06.039
Author: Anouk Poppelaars
Upload date: 10-01-2018
Scholten, H., & Granic, I. (2019). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(1), e11528. doi: 10.2196/11528
Author: Hanneke Scholten
Upload date: 06-16-2020
H. Scholten (2020). Designing and testing a game intervention to help youth quit smoking. Doctoral Thesis. Radboud University.
Author: Hanneke Scholten
Upload date: 01-30-2020