GEMH Lab featured in Het Jeugdjournaal


Last Friday GEMH Lab was featured in Het Jeugdjournaal to explain why games can help children to overcome their problems, such as anxiety. Het Jeugdjournaal is a Dutch news show that aims to educate children about worldwide and national news. 

Hanneke was interviewed to explain why we can use games to help children and youth overcome their problems. Games play a major role in the lives of children, but are mostly portrayed as a 'bad' influence in the media. This item was made to talk about the positive effects of games on children. How does GEMH Lab design these kind of games and why is it important to scientifically test those games before we give them to children? Watch the clip by Het Jeugdjournaal here (Dutch only). 

For more information, please contact Hanneke Scholten (+31 24 3612527; [email protected]). 


Hanneke Scholten
Co-Director of GEMH Lab

Researcher, interdisciplinary work and collaboration, wants to understand the how's and why's, loves her high heels and coffee in the morning, walks and talks too fast.


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