un-TILTED! is a video game designed to help young adolescents (4th-6th grade) develop self-control in challenging situations, and it has won Gold at the 2024 Serious Play Awards!
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Twente (including our GEMH Lab co-director Hanneke Scholten) and the municipality of Amsterdam, have received €3.7 million from the National Growth Fund to explore hope as a social response to climate change.
As the Games for Emotional and Mental Health Lab enters a new era of transitions and changes, we are extremely excited to announce that the Templeton World Charity Foundation has awarded us with over $1.6 million to share our knowledge with like-minded individuals!
GEMH Lab's Dr. Hanneke Scholten was a main guest on the BNR 'All in the Game' podcast to talk about how games can positively influence our daily lives.
On Nov 23rd 2022, Dr. Joanneke Weerdmeester participated in a Radboud Reflects session together with Dr. Eelke Spaak focused on the effects of gaming. Dr. Spaak's talk focused on cognition and perception, whereas Joanneke focused on mental and emotional health. The talks were followed by an in-depth discussion. Talks and discussion are in Dutch.
This summer the GEMH lab is organizing a games festival! With this event we want to enable anyone and everyone to experience some highlights of the current games-for-wellbeing landscape. In the run-up to the event we will provide updates about the specific date, location, and program.
We had a blast during our 4th GEMH session where we talked with Dr. Rachel Kowert about escaping the ivory tower and sharing scientific knowledge about games with a broader audience. You can watch the recording now on Youtube.
In this series we want to highlight some of the games that we are playing within the GEMH Lab or that we find interesting from a mental health perspective. These games will be compiled in a masterlist that will be linked back to in each upcoming blog.
Recently I gave an interview with VICE Benelux about some of the psychological mechanisms that underlie completionism in gaming.
On November 26th, 2021 GEMH-lab's own Marlou publicly defended her PhD thesis entitled: "Engaging Youth in Depression Prevention: Testing the Effectiveness and Appeal of Applied and Commercial Video Games". In this blog you can find a link to her doctoral thesis as well as a link to the recorded defense.