Games for Mental Health in the Lowlands

26 February

Games for Mental Health in the Lowlands




9:30am - 5:30pm UTC +01:00


KU Leuven

The symposium will be held in the renovated building 'Collegium Veteranorum'


Isabela Granic, Marieke van Rooij, Aniek Wols

The objective of this symposium is to gather young researchers, active in the domain of game-based applications for the assessment, training, and treatment of mental health (G4MH), located in Flanders and the Netherlands. The symposium gives young GEMH researchers the opportunity to present their work and to meet other young researchers working in the same field. Ultimately, the aim of this symposiums is to promote the development of a supportive community of young researchers and to foster the spirit of concerted research.

The symposium is open to all young researchers (PhDs, Postdoc, master students).  The format includes a poster session and oral presentations.

  • During the oral presentations, invited researchers will present their work and will be offered constructive feedback and new perspectives from their peers. These oral presentations are organized in three rounds where four researchers present their work (10 minutes) and receive feedback (10 minutes). Each presenter will get feedback from two reviewers. The latter will thoroughly read the abstract, and prepare questions or remarks. Of course, everyone is invited to contribute to the conversation. Questions and remarks that are found to apply more broadly will be noted and revisited during the panel session at the end of the symposium.

  • The poster session will be held during lunch and consist of an informal information exchange.

Researchers can also attend the symposium without an oral presentation or poster contribution. However, registration is mandatory.


Isabela Granic title=
Isabela Granic
Director of GEMH Lab

Professor and Chair of the Developmental Psychopathology department in the Behavioural Science Institute; writer; voracious podcast consumer; mother of two upstanding little gamers


Professor at McMaster's University & Co-founder of PlayNice Interactive

Marieke van Rooij title=
Marieke van Rooij

Assistant prof. and data geek at the GEMH lab, dynamical modelling, personalisation, wants to put the I back into AI, news junkie, cat lover.


Assistant Professor

Aniek Wols title=
Aniek Wols
Researcher at GEMH Lab

I am interested in how and why applied games for mental health work, with a specific focus on the influence of one's mindset, motivation and expectations.


PhD-Candidate at Radboud University



Joanneke Weerdmeester title=
Joanneke Weerdmeester
Researcher at GEMH Lab

Behavioural scientist, lecturer, consultant, gamer, dungeon master, language enthusiast, and lover of all things geeky.


Freelance Consultant


E-mail Joanneke


Anouk Tuijnman title=
Anouk Tuijnman

I am a passionate researcher interested in improving the well-being of young people with the use of innovative interventions.


PhD-Candidate at Radboud University


E-mail Anouk


Ken Koontz title=
Ken Koontz
Creative Director of GEMH Lab

I help really cool people craft really cool experiences that leave a real impact on the world. I can confidently bridge the gap between high level design and technical implementation, and I believe building trust is the key to any team success.


Founder of Koontz Interactive


E-mail Ken


Jan Brammer title=
Jan Brammer

Brains, bytes, and bikes.




E-mail Jan


Nastasia Griffioen title=
Nastasia Griffioen
Chief Scientific Officer

Nerd, is fascinated by the brain even more than your average zombie, into etymology and reading, drawn to anything tech-related, especially artificial intelligence. Wants to explore social tech (such as social media) and how these relate to young people's wellbeing.


Post Doctorate at University of Twente


E-mail Nastasia


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