User Research Analyst at Ubisoft Montréal. My favorite games tell emotionally rich stories and challenge me to think differently
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, I attained my Bachelor's in Psychology at Brooklyn College. Enamored by Amsterdam during a semester abroad, I returned to the University of Amsterdam for my Research Master’s, specializing in social psychology and researching the behavioral influences of shame and humiliation. For my PhD at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, I transitioned into gaming research, uniting my love for emotion research and video games. As made possible by the GEMH Lab, I worked together with innovative game designers who have a passion for making games that intersect with mental and emotional health.
For my postdoctoral work at the University of Geneva, I am developing tabletop games to teach emotion regulation skills to children. Learn more here.
Commercial video games may offer a cheap and readily available way to help us understand in what way video games can be used to promote adolescent well-being. Excellent targets for this are games that involve social interaction, encourage both positive and negative emotions and are identified by youth themselves as potentially beneficial. By letting youth play several commercial video games in different settings, we can learn how games interact with well-being and motivation in both short and long-term.
Despite widespread claims that video gaming is harmful for children's social and emotional development, hardly any research has tracked children over time to verify these claims. Moreover, such claims run contrary to the importance which psychologists have given to play. This project aimed to address these matters.
This project strives to create a suite of analog games to be implemented in classrooms. The goal of these games is to improve children's emotional competencies in three domains which past research highlights as being crucial for healthy development: emotion vocabulary, cognitive reappraisal skills, and children's theory of emotion.
Lobel, A., Engels, R. C.M.E., Stone, L. L., Burk, W., & Granic, I. (2017). 46, 884-897.
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 02-21-2017
A. Lobel (2017). Game on: The relation between gaming & emotion regulation development. Doctoral Thesis. Radboud University.
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 01-18-2017
Lobel, A., Gotsis, M., Reynolds, E., Annetta, M., Engels, R. C.M.E., & Granic, I. (2016). CHI'16 Extended Abstracts, May 07-12, 2016, San Jose, CA, USA
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 05-07-2016
van Rooij, M., Lobel, A., Harris, O., Smit, N., & Granic, I. (2016). CHI'16 Extended Abstracts, May 07-12, 2016, San Jose, CA, USA
Author: Marieke van Rooij
Upload date: 05-07-2016
Poppelaars, M., Tak, Y. R., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., Engels, R. C. M. E., Lobel, A., Merry, S. N., Lucassen, M. F. G., & Granic, I. (2016). Behaviour Research and Therapy, 80, 33-42.
Author: Marlou Poppelaars
Upload date: 05-01-2016
Scholten, H., Malmberg, M., Lobel, A., Engels, R. C. M. E., & Granic, I. (2016). PloS One, 11(1), e0147763. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147763
Author: Hanneke Scholten
Upload date: 01-27-2016
Lobel, A., Gotsis, M., Reynolds, E., Annetta, M., Engels, R.C.M.E., & Granic, I. (2015). ESConS Neurogaming Conference. [Poster presentation].
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 05-05-2015
Granic, I., Lobel, A., Poppelaars, M., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2015). Kind en Adolescent, 36 (1), 1-22.
Author: Marlou Poppelaars
Upload date: 01-22-2015
Poppelaars, M., Tak, Y. R., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., Engels, R. C. M. E., Lobel, A., Merry, S. N., Lucassen, M. F. G., & Granic, I. (2014). In Schouten, B., Fedtke, S., Schijven, M., Vosmeer, M. & Gekker, A. (Eds.), Games for Health 2014 (pp. 125-135). Germany: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Author: Marlou Poppelaars
Upload date: 10-29-2014
Lobel, A., Granic, I., Stone, L. L., & Engels, R. C.M.E. (2014). Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17, 639-643
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 10-01-2014
Lobel, A., Granic, I., & Engels, R. C. (2014). Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17, 222-227.
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 04-03-2014
Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R. C. (2014). American Psychologist, 69, 66-78.
Author: Isabela Granic
Upload date: 01-17-2014
Lobel, A., Engels, R., Tuijnman, A., de Valk, T., & Granic, I. (2013, April). Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 04-15-2013
Gaming, Emotion Regulation
Author: Adam Lobel
Upload date: 01-19-2025
M. Poppelaars (2021). Engaging youth in depression prevention: Testing the effectiveness and appeal of applied and commercial video games. Doctoral Thesis. Radboud University.
Author: Marlou Poppelaars
Upload date: 11-26-2021
Poppelaars, M., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., Otten, R., & Granic, I. (2021). Can a commercial video game prevent depression? Null results and whole sample action mechanisms in a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 575962.
Author: Marlou Poppelaars
Upload date: 01-12-2021
Wols, A., Poppelaars, M., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., & Granic, I. (2020). Entertainment Computing, 100371.
Author: Aniek Wols
Upload date: 07-07-2020
Poppelaars, M., Wols, A., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., & Granic, I. (2018). Frontiers in Psychology.
Author: Marlou Poppelaars
Upload date: 09-10-2018
Poppelaars, M., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., Kleinjan, M., & Granic, I. (2018). The impact of explicit mental health messages in video games on players’ motivation and affect. Computers in Human Behavior, 83, 16-23. doi:
Author: Marlou Poppelaars
Upload date: 07-01-2018